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Mensaje Linda Reinstein

03 Mayo 2018

April is always a big month for ADAO, but this year April was AMPLIFIED!

Our 14th Annual International Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conference brought together a phenomenal group of asbestos experts, ranging from physicians to researchers to labor leaders, and of course, Warriors. Not only did we hear incredible presentations from global experts, but the opportunity to connect as a community was truly wonderful. Among our incredible group of speakers this year, we had three powerful and moving keynote speakers: Patrick Morrison, Assistant to the General President for Occupational Health, Safety and Medicine at the IAFF (International Association of Fire Fighters); Chris Graham, Editor of New Matilda; and Eric Jonckheere, President of Asbestos Belgium Victims Association (ABEVA). 

We owe a big thank you to all our conference sponsors, donors, volunteers, and leadership for helping us make this year's conference our best one yet! Without you all, none of this would be possible and we are eternally grateful for you!

In addition, this year was our most successful Global Asbestos Awareness Week yet! To ensure our #2018GAAW messages made it across the globe, we once again partnered with McOnie, a specialist PR agency with expertise in the occupational health, manufacturing and industrial markets. We were also pleased the U.S. Surgeon General joined us on Twitter and raised asbestos awareness to his 508,000 followers. We owe a special thanks to all those who partnered with us for prevention and our Global Asbestos Awareness Week Ambassadors! 

We also released a video message to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt urging the EPA to fully evaluate the risk of asbestos without any exclusions such as legacy exposure and the Libby Amphibole. The time is now for the EPA to do their job and finally ban asbestos. Thanks to ADAO's dedicated advocates, our video message has  nearly 1,700 views!   Last week in the U.S. House of Representatives there were two hearings where EPA Administrator Pruitt was questioned about possible ethics and spending violations.  Presently, EPA Pruitt is under ten federal investigations. 

This month, I especially look forward to presenting

"Mesothelioma Advocacy in the 21st Century"  at the International Mesothelioma Interest Group  in Canada and "Social Activism in the USA: The Most Recent Actions Forward to the Ban of Asbestos" at the  II International Asbestos Seminar  in Brazil. It is an honor to join leaders as we share knowledge and strengthen collaboration. As trade unions have taught us - solidarity is one of our greatest assets.


Lastly, get your tweets ready and join us on Sunday, May 6, for the weekly #BanAsbestosNow conversation. Share your knowledge, resources, stories, and more.

Together we are making change happen. 

Linda Reinstein,   Social Networks 

Fuente: http://www.asbestosdiseaseawareness.org

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